
Solare Obelisk

The Obelisk of Montecitorio, also known as Solare, is an ancient Egyptian, red granite obelisk of Psammetichus II from Heliopolis.

Builder: Psammetichus II
Year of Arrival: 10 BC
Height: 33.97 m
Location: Piazza di Montecitorio

Originally from Heliopolis, the Solare obelisk, or "The Obelisk of Montecitorio", was brought to Rome by Augustus in 10 BC with the Flaminio obelisk. Augustus intended it to be used to form the gnomon of the Solarium Augusti in the Campus Martius.

Although it was found in the 16th century it was later reburied. The obelisk was rediscovered and resurrected by Pope Pius VI in front of the Palazzo Montecitorio in 1792.

Solare Obelisk
Piazza di Monte Citorio
Roma, RM 00186 IT