Emmeotto Living Gallery: where art experiences, images, ideas, creations and connections meet and coexist…
Emmeotto Living Gallery è una galleria d’arte contemporanea a Palazzo Taverna, dimora storica del Quattrocento, nelle radici profonde di Roma, tra Piazza Navona e Castel Sant’Angelo.
The Emmeotto is the place where people can live the time of their own art experience and create their own curatorial project, nourishing a new, multi-shaped concept of gallery: not only a display area but also an atelier-like platform, with an open mind to manifold ideas and ready to embrace any changes of perspective and vision. This approach is also fostered by the research and advisory activity pursued by the New York branch of the gallery: the Project Studio, in fact, deals with the identification and the promotion of new artists and suggestions on the international art scene.
T: +39 06 68301127
M: nfo@emmeotto.net
Monday - Friday · 10.30 - 13.30 / 14.30 - 19.30
Saturday · by appointment
Sunday · Closed